Virtual SNE
vSNE is anchored in the Society’s mission to foster research on the foundations of economic behavior by promoting collaboration and discussion among scholars from the psychological, economic, and neural sciences, and to ensure the continued advancement of the field of neuroeconomics by supporting young researchers.
Virtual Congress Toolkit
Site available starting on July 11 at 8:00pm GMT.
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You will be asked for a username/password to enter the virtual congress. Please use the email you used for registration and the password you entered during the registration process to access the virtual congress.
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The multidisciplinary nature of SNE provides the perfect environment to bring together these different perspectives united under the common goal of increasing understanding of decision making. The 2020 Virtual Meeting will adhere to the traditional format and will feature the Kavli Lecture as well as several invited panels.
Most importantly, we will be presenting research contributed by our members. vSNE will feature individual oral presentations grouped by themes as well as posters. Talks will be pre-recorded but will be streamed in real-time with live Q&A where possible. There will also be the possibility to watch talks on demand and continue to ask questions and receive replies later to accommodate different time zones.
We are committed to making vSNE accessible to everyone. Registration fees are modest. Take the opportunity to invite colleagues and all the members of your research team. We have also instituted several fee waiver programs for those who have tight financial constraints.
SNE members enjoy a complimentary registration and members need to register to participate.
Society for Neuroeconomics Code of Conduct
The Society for Neuroeconomics (“Society”) aims to develop and support the scholarship of an interdisciplinary community conducting research on the foundations of decision-making behavior. Our success requires a community where all are free to exchange scientific ideas in a safe, inclusive and respectful environment without harassment or other forms of unprofessionalism.
To this end, the Code of Conduct below reflects our Society’s values and our expectations for Society members, meeting attendees, and/or guests. We expect that members of the community will work to uphold these values in addition to professional standards set by their home institutions and/or employers as well as all applicable laws in host countries.
Attendees (and guests) at our meetings should treat each other with respect. Discussions should be respectful, civil, professional, constructive, allow for disagreement, and be regarded as opportunities to learn from each other.
Furthermore, attendees and guests are expected to abstain to not use epithets/slurs, to not act in a threatening, intimidating, or hostile manner, and to not behave or speak in ways that would be generally considered offensive to other members of the Society.
The Society will not tolerate sexual harassment, which includes any sexual communication or attention that is offensive, intimidating, or humiliating. Sexual language and imagery, unless related to specific scientific findings or discussions, is deemed inappropriate for any conference venue including talks, workshops, social events, and conference-related social media activity.
Consequences of Unacceptable Behavior: The Society Executive will determine the appropriate course of action in the case of a reported violation of this code of conduct. Possible actions include warning the offender, expulsion from the conference with no refund, and/or banning the offender from future Society events and activities. The Society also reserves the right to notify an employer or home institution of any serious misconduct involving one of its employees, trainees, students or members and will cooperate with any external investigation into such cases of misconduct. Local authorities will be notified in the case of potentially illegal activities.
COVID-19 Statement
Dear colleagues and friends,
Our recent membership survey indicated a clear desire to share research, stay connected, and support students and early career scientists during these unprecedented times. Accordingly, the board and I have decided to hold a SNE virtual conference this year, from 7-9 October 2020.
The exchange of our latest scientific knowledge is essential for fostering our community, and we need to advance and share the work of our membership, especially our early-career researchers. A virtual conference this year will enable us to meet these goals, and with Society members from more than 30 countries, this gathering will provide an opportunity for our community to come together in an accessible, safe, and inclusive environment.
The 2020 virtual conference will utilize a professional online meeting platform, and thus the meeting will be organized in a similar format to our typical in-person conference, with the addition of some new features possible in an online environment. We will communicate more detailed logistics as to how the virtual conference will operate on the Society’s website in the coming weeks. We are happy to announce now that Abstract submissions are reopened, until July 31.
We are committed to making our conference as accessible as possible despite the challenges of the current environment, and have made decisions to ensure we can accommodate as many interested researchers as possible in our 2020 meeting. Though this will likely mean that we will not cover our annual Society expenses this year, we believe that we have an important duty to help our members and maintain our ability to disseminate and discuss our research. Specifically, we have decided that:
1) We will offer complimentary conference registration to Society members.
2) We will reduce conference registration costs substantially for non-members.
3) We will institute a COVID-19 Financial Hardship Fee Waiver Program to those members that can demonstrate that they will not be reimbursed by their university / employer due to a COVID-19-related expense freeze.
4) We will extend our existing International Diversity Fellowship to additionally facilitate conference attendance of members of a group that is underrepresented in the field (undergraduate-faculty level).
5) We will waive conference registration costs for interested Undergraduate students (please submit a copy of your college ID).
We encourage you to take advantage of these policies and spread the good news by inviting your colleagues and members of your research teams to attend the 2020 Meeting. We believe this year’s meeting offers an excellent opportunity to extend our Society’s reach and broaden our membership, so please help us achieve these goals by encouraging others to visit us (virtually) in October!
Another piece of exciting news is that the COVID-19 crisis has led us to reflect on whether we could provide our members with additional benefits to better develop our society’s mission . To this end, we have decided to launch a new webinar series entitled “Growing up in Neuroeconomics” that will feature senior PI’s within our community sharing their own academic story and, most importantly, answering your questions. We will also introduce Society-sponsored “Best Paper of the Year” & “Best Dissertation of the Year” awards. More details to follow soon!
We thank you for being part of the SNE community and for your ongoing dedication to our mission. We hope that we can rely on your participation to ensure the success of this year’s Conference.
Hilke Plassmann, SNE President
Todd Hare, SNE President Elect
Alan Sanfey, SNE immediate Past President
Lesley Fellows
Catherine Hartley
Kenway Louie
Kerstin Preuschoff
Thank you to our Sponsors
Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors